After embryo transfer, a specific period of waiting is required to determine the pregnancy status. Generally, a pregnancy test is conducted 11 to 14 days later. This test is referred to as a blood pregnancy test and is used to obtain a definitive result. A blood pregnancy test measures the level of the pregnancy hormone beta hCG and is a more sensitive and reliable method for detecting the presence of pregnancy.
The test result is typically confirmed again two days later. It is expected that the beta hCG level will approximately double during this period, which is considered normal. The rate of increase is an important indicator that reflects the progress of pregnancy and the process of the embryo attaching to the uterus.
The patient is called in for an appointment at the clinic 15 days after the pregnancy test, where the pregnancy sac is visualized through an ultrasound. Ultrasonography is used to confirm the presence of the pregnancy sac inside the uterus and the embryo. At this stage, it is possible to monitor the embryo's heartbeat and development.
In the context of in vitro fertilization, the meticulous and careful work of the expert medical team is of great importance for the successful conclusion of the pregnancy process. Collaboration and active participation of patients with the medical team throughout the treatment process are significant factors that enhance the success of the treatment. The approximately two-week waiting period after embryo transfer can be a time filled with excitement and hope. However, being well-informed about the progress of the treatment during this period can reduce the level of stress for patients and increase their confidence in the treatment.