After the suppression of hormones, the next step in IVF treatment is "Ovarian Stimulation." This stage is one of the most critical points in the treatment, and properly stimulating the ovaries is crucial for a successful IVF treatment. The goal is to obtain as many follicles as possible, ideally of a certain size (usually 16-20 mm in diameter). These follicles refer to the structures that contain the ovums and are of critical importance for the success of the treatment.
The duration of the treatment can vary depending on the patient's overall health and responsiveness, typically lasting 8-12 days. Ovum retrieval is performed 34-36 hours after the trigger injection. This procedure is conducted in a specialized room under ultrasound guidance and is often performed under anesthesia.
The processes in in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment require careful monitoring and meticulous work. Patients are scheduled for regular check-ups, and during ultrasound examinations, the thickness and structure of the uterus are examined. When the uterus is adequately prepared, and it is observed that the follicles have reached the appropriate size and the eggs have matured, preparations for the transfer phase begin.
Tüp bebek tedavisindeki süreçler, dikkatli bir takip ve titiz çalışma gerektirir. Hastalar, belirli aralıklarla kontrole çağrılır ve ultrason kontrolleri sırasında rahmin kalınlığı ve yapısı incelenir. Rahim hazırlığının uygun olduğu durumda, foliküllerin uygun büyüklüğe ulaştığı ve yumurtaların olgunlaştığı gözlendiğinde, transfer hazırlıklarına başlanır.
The most serious complication of ovarian stimulation is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In this condition, excessive response of the ovaries results in the accumulation of a significant amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity. In such cases, the patient's treatment process is continued in hospital settings, and drainage of the fluid may be necessary. In such situations, the treatment plan is often reorganized as a frozen embryo transfer. This is done to stabilize the patient's health and ensure a safer treatment process.